The Power Of Zero

Retiring In The 21st Century

How is retirement planning in the 21st century different than that of your parents? Chances are, your retirement looks and feels vastly different than the generation before you. As a result, your approach to the retirement planning process must change.

Tax Rate Risk

The U.S. Government has made trillions of dollars in promises for programs like Social Security and Medicare it simply can’t afford to keep. Some experts have suggested that tax rates may have to rise dramatically to keep these programs solvent. If you’re like most Americans, you’ve saved the lion’s share of your retirement in tax-deferred accounts like 401k’s and IRA’s. If tax rates go up, how much of your hard earned money will you be able to keep?

Retirement Distribution Planning

There is a lot of static in the media and on the internet about how to best save for retirement. There are three basic types of investment accounts and you must learn how to use them to maximize cash flow in retirement. Should you contribute to an IRA or Roth IRA? How about Roth conversions? We strive to position savings so as to minimize taxes and maximize cash flow in retirement.

Retirement Distribution Pitfalls

How much money can you safely take out of your retirement accounts without risking running out of money? Does the order in which you withdraw your various assets in retirement matter? What happens if you experience market loss while taking distributions? We outline strategies and solutions designed to create more certainty and predictability in your retirement plan.

Maximizing Social Security

Some pre-retirees are not aware that their Social Security can be taxed. Learn about the impact of Social Security taxation on your retirement. We’ll also look at the IRS thresholds that cause Social Security taxation. Finally we’ll discuss strategies you can implement that can put you in a position to receive your Social Security free from tax.

Protecting Against Market Loss

The investment strategies that got you to this point may not necessarily be the ones that see you safely through retirement. There are two types of investment risk in every investment portfolio. We must safeguard against them and create a strategy to increase the likelihood that you won’t outlive your retirement assets.

Long Term Care

There are Medicaid rules that govern asset spend-down in the event you should need long-term care. We can discuss the four most common strategies used to mitigate long-term care risk. We can develop a strategy that is best suited to your particular situation.